The Week in Review: DC Pipe Bomber, Trump and Lawyer, and Proud Boys

In the realm of questions unanswered and truth being stranger — or at least more disgusting — than fiction

Gippolito Ndp
5 min readJan 7, 2024
I have questions. Photo by Camylla Battani on Unsplash

Remember the person who laid down some pipe bombs outside the RNC and DNC buildings back in January 2021? Recent reporting bemoans the fact that he/she remains unidentified, but also provides new video (in the article) released by the FBI:

Screenshot by author from ABC News segment, accessed 1/5/24

This reminded me that the placement of the pipe bombs was in the evening of Jan 5 — the day before the big attack on the Capitol. I confess that I had forgotten that detail, and I’ve just had a thought that may be of some small assistance — unless one of you can point to some fallacy or other defect in the thought.

I had previously published an article about how the infamous gallows and noose at the Capitol everyone saw on Jan 6 had in fact been erected on Jan 5. It seems the that the DC Fire Chief had observed the setup of the gallows and noose, and therefore took certain other preparatory actions.



Gippolito Ndp

Dad, G-dad, veteran, semi-retired lawyer, archaeologist, writer